Blade Runner (1982) Directed by Ridley Scott. Starring Harrison Ford and Sean
Starts with a wall of text scrolling up (used in a lot of movies, for example in star wars)
->used to explain the context of the story or what has happened before the start of the film (like a prologe) its useful because it gives the director and the writers an opportunity to explain to the viewers what is happening or what has happened without having to shoot the fragments or the scenes. the music is slowly accending in volume which creates tension. The sound uses swishing sounds and bells and that makes it seem eerie and futurisctic. The feel of the music matches what the text is saying and is not distracting so that the viewer can read.
After the text is finished and srolled up out of the way, all the viewer can see is a black scereen, this could have been done to create tension as the viewer does not know what is about to come on next, also the music is now getting louder and this also contributes to the feeling of tension.
What comes on next tells us the location and date 'Los Angeles November, 2019'. The film was made in 1982 and this does not match the date in the film, suggesting the film is set in the future.